




K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones, Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan 30(1): 62 (1989)


Sordariomycetes, Subclass Sordariomycetidae






Hypophloeda K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones, Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan 30(1): 61 (1989)

Type species: Hypophloeda rhizospora K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones, Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan 30(1): 62 (1989)

Index Fungorum Number: 25308                        Faces of fungi Number: NA

Sexual morph: saprobic, immersed beneath bark or superficial in fissures, hyaline becoming yellowish or light brown with age, ostiolate with long necks, coriaceous, solitary or gregarious, ellipsoidal to subglobose to pyriform. Ascomata 308-316µm high x 352-660 µm in diam., ellipsoidal to subglobose to pyriform. Necks tapering towards the apex, light coloured, periphysate. Peridium of two types of cells. Necks 352-792 µm long x 142-184 µm in diameter, protruding through bark, often in valsoid rings, base thick, tapering towards the apex, yellow to light brown. Peridium 28-85µm thick composed of an outer stratum of small rounded thick-walled cells with narrow lumina, and an inner stratum of elongated angular, thinner-walled cells, breaking up towards the centre, both layers hyaline, although the extreme outer cells may be light to dark brown in older specimens. Paraphyses numerous, septate, broad, with a base of large thin walled oval cells, cells becoming narrower towards the apex, cells 31 – 74 x 5.6 – 23 µm, paraphyses longer than asci, deliquescing in older specimens. Asci 8-spored, clavate, 45 – 99 x 13 – 25 µm, persistent, unitunicate, thin–walled with a refractive apical thickening and with a tapering stalk. Ascospores 21.3 – 36 x 3.5 – 6 µm, cylindrical, straight or slightly curved, hyaline, 0-2 to 3 septate, not constricted at the septa, thin–walled, without appendages. Asexual morph: Undetermined.


Key references:

Barr ME (1978) The Diaporthales in North America with emphasis on Gnomonia and its segregates Mycological Memoir, 7 1-232.

Hyde KD, Jones EBG (1989) Hypophloeda rhizospora Hyde & Jones, gen. et sp. nov., a new ascomycete from intertidal prop roots of Rhizophora spp. Trans Mycol Soc Jpn 30:61–68.

Maharachchikumbura SSN, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, McKenzie EHC, Huang SK, Abdel-Wahab. A, et al. (2015) Towards a natural classification and backbone tree for Sordariomycetes.  Fungal Diversity 72: 199–301.

Maharachchikumbura SSN, Hyde KD, Jones EBJ, McKenzie EHC, Bhat J, Hawksworth DL et al. (2016) Families of Sordariomycetes. Fungal Diversity 79: 1–317.

Wehmeyer LE (1975) The Pyrenomycetous Fungi RT Hanlin (Ed.), Mycological Memoir, 6 pp. 1-250.

Type & Location:
Other Specimens:
Intertidal prop roots of Rhizophora apiculata and R. mucronata.
Brunei. Fiji, Thailand, Malaysia, Seychelles.
Pertinent Literature:
NOTES: A monotypic genus, Hypophloeda, was introduced by Hyde and Jones (1989) to accommodate the marine species and is infrequently reported, occurring on mangrove prop roots with the ascomata just below the surface of the bark. No asexual morph was recorded. Wehmeyer (1975) and Barr (1978) advocated that Hypophloeda be referred to the order Diaporthales. In the Diaporthales, Hypoophloeda may best be accommodated in Melanconidaceae, where it has some affinities with Prosthecium. The genus has been accepted under Melanconidaceae by Jones et al. (2015) and Maharachchikumbura et al. (2016). The species is poorly known and requires further collection, isolation and sequencing to determine its taxonomic position.


Mushroom Research Foundation 
Chiang Rai 


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